Privacy and cookie policy

Terms of Use (23.5.2024)

By accessing LKOS Law Office Ltd (abbreviation ”LKOS”) World Wide Webpages, you agree to the following terms and conditions. In case you do not agree to all of the following terms and conditions you are not allowed to access these webpages.

Further to this, LKOS webpage is intended for information purposes only. It should not be relied upon as legal advice nor should it be used as a basis for any action or decision.


The contents of the webpage are Copyright © LKOS Law Office Ltd. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Some of the content is used under Creative Commons (”CC”) licence. LKOS respects the rights of the original authors and we are committed to destroy and remove all content on these webpages which might harm or infringe any copyright etc.

Modification of the Webpage

LKOS reserves the right to change or modify the content of the webpage, including but not limited to these Terms of Use or withdraw or limit access to the webpage at any time with or without notice.


The contents of the webpage are provided on “as is” and “as available” basis. The use of any information, tools and services on the webpage shall be executed on the user’s sole responsibility and LKOS makes no representations or warranties to the accuracy or functionality of such information, tools or services.

Material on these webpages is intended for information purposes only. It should not be relied upon as legal advice nor should it be used as a basis for any action or decision.

Limitation of Liability

Except as required by applicable law LKOS shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, lost profits or business interruption arising out of the use of or inability to use the webpage and the services provided at the webpage, even if LKOS has been advised of such damages. LKOS shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, delays or failures contained in the webpage, and shall not be obligated to notify users when information has been updated. LKOS is not responsible for any loss or damage that is caused by your reliance on any data or services contained in the webpage or data that the user has input into the webpage.


LKOS assumes no responsibility and does not endorse or make any representations or warranties whatsoever for material created or published by third parties that the webpage has a link to.


By submitting information or material (such as feedback, data, answers, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, plans, orders, requests or the like) to LKOS, for example by email or via the webpage, you agree that:

  1. the material will not contain any item that is unlawful, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, harassing or threatening, or otherwise unfit for publication;
  2. you will use reasonable efforts to scan and remove any viruses or other contaminating or destructive features before submitting any material;
  3. you own the material or have the unlimited right to provide it to LKOS, and LKOS may publish the material and/or incorporate it or any concepts described in it in our products without compensation, restrictions on use, acknowledgment of source, accountability or liability; and
  4. you agree not to take action against LKOS in relation to material that you submit, and you agree to indemnify LKOS if any party takes action against LKOS in relation to the material you submit or attach to the webpage.

Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Privacy Policy (23.5.2024)

We Care Your Privacy

If you do not agree with this privacy statement, do not use our products and services or provide LKOS Law Office Ltd (abbreviation ”LKOS”) with your personal data.

At LKOS, we understand that protecting the privacy of guests and visitors to our webpage is very important and that information regarding legal issues can be particularly sensitive. Therefore, we have taken necessary steps to meet data privacy requirements.   

This privacy statement related to the LKOS (.fi, .com and .lv) webpage services (“Privacy Statement”) provides you with general information on the processing of your personal data by LKOS and its employees and partners related to this webpage. Please read this privacy statement carefully prior to accessing further to the webpage. If you do not agree with this Privacy Statement, we expect you to leave the webpage.

User’s Data Protection and Data Security

LKOS is committed to protect your privacy and personal data. LKOS processes your personal data, if any, in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1050/2018) and other applicable personal data legislation.

Processing of Personal Data

Generally, you can visit the LKOS webpage without entering any personal information. On certain parts of the webpage, you may be asked to provide personal information and/or sign up for the service in order to access a service that you have requested.

LKOS will process your personal data collected through the webpage in accordance with this Privacy Statement and applicable law. Should the processing of your personal data be based on your consent, you may at any time revoke your consent. As processing of your personal data is necessary for us to be able to provide you with our webpage services and products, revoking your consent may lead to a situation where we or our service provider cannot provide you with some or all of the services and products requested. The webpage is technically divided into separate sections some of which may require us to collect more personal data of our webpage visitors while some may be used without processing any personal data.

The purpose of LKOS’s processing of personal data is to ensure as efficient and secure data processing as practicable. In addition, LKOS seeks to develop time to time the webpage for a better quality and broader scope of services.

Once you register, if required, at the webpage or have otherwise been assigned a specific identification code to access your accounts, we may request that you provide certain information. The purpose in collecting this information is to provide customized services and content meeting your specific needs and interests.

Cookie Policy (23.5.2024)

From time to time LKOS Law Office Ltd (abbreviation ”LKOS”) may place information, commonly known as “cookies”, on your computer or to your web browser to allow us to identify you, provided that you have consented to the placing of cookies on your computer or device for example by opt-in function or by way of changing the browser settings. Cookies give LKOS information on how and when you have used the webpage and help LKOS or the webpage service provider to improve the webpage for a better service. Cookies are today commonly used on many web pages. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may set your web browser to do so, if such function is supported by your web browser.

You may also use the opt-out function, if any, of LKOS’s webpage analytics program to indicate that you do not want LKOS webpage to track your visits. You need to repeat this action when you use different computers and/or browsers to visit LKOS’s webpages.

Transfers of Personal Data

As a principle LKOS will not transfer any personal data outside LKOS. Due to the technical and practical requirements of the processing some of the personal data this data may be located at the servers of subcontractors or processed by subcontractors, which might have their own personal data requirements.

Contacting LKOS

You may at any time contact LKOS to check that the personal data related to you is accurate. LKOS will at your request rectify or erase any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data. For more information, please contact LKOS.

Customer Loyalty Surveys

LKOS is committed to protect your privacy and personal data. In order to improve our services and customer experience LKOS would like to get your answers attached with your name. The processing of your name and any other personal data is based on your consent. All answers and data collected in connection with this survey will be classified confidential and adequate security measures are employed when handling and transferring the data, if collected.

LKOS or it’s partners will process the collected data in accordance with all applicable laws. Due to the technical and practical requirements of the processing some of the personal data may be located at the servers of subcontractors or processed by subcontractors, which have agreed to the data processing standards. You may at any time contact LKOS to check that the personal data related to you is accurate. LKOS will at your request rectify or erase any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data.

Data File Description

1. File Controller

LKOS Law Office Ltd

Postal Address:

Rikhard Nymanintie 16


2. Person Responsible for File Matters or Contact Person

LKOS Law Office Ltd

Rikhard Nymanintie 16


Please contact: office(at)

3. Name of the Data File

Customer data register related to the LKOS Law Office Oy (“LKOS”) services.

4. Purpose of the Processing of Data

The purpose is to process customer data for the:

  • provision of the LKOS services and thereto related services to the customer;
  • development and management of the customer relationship;
  • development and management of services of LKOS and thereto related products;
  • provision of the value added services related to the services of LKOS and thereto related products;
  • management of internal and external duties within LKOS, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors to the extent related to the, or services and thereto related products; and
  • direct marketing and data mining and thereto related actions such as profiling of customer data for the above purposes of LKOS.

5. Information Contained in the Data File

  • demographic customer data such as name, contact information, general description of the customer’s business;
  • client requests;
  • order information and other data related to the /.com service and thereto related products;
  • cookie data related to the use of the customer of the /.com service; and/or
  • log data related to the use of the /.com service establishing the actions of the customer on the web page, such as, location, time, and user preferences.

6. Regular Sources of Data

  • information provided by the customer: e.g., demographic customer data, and order information;
  • cookie information obtained from the clients’ hard drive obtained by LKOS, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors; and/or
  • log data obtained by LKOS, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors by monitoring the use of the information system related to the service.

7. Regular Transfers of Data or Transfers of Data Outside the EU or EEA

Collected data can be transferred to entities within LKOS. LKOS is not located outside the EU and the EEA. The servers used for the provision of the are located within the EU or the EEA.

8. Principles for the Protection of the Data File

The data file is protected with passwords and the general principles of data protection related to the information systems of LKOS, such as firewalls. Only pre-designated employees of LKOS have access to the personal data contained in the data file.

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